
Curriculum intent

Wadworth Primary School provides a fully inclusive education. In order to ensure every child achieves academically, socially and emotionally, we have designed our curriculum to:


  • build on children’s prior learning enabling them to know more and remember more
  • provide memorable, first hand learning experiences
  • nurture talents and celebrate achievements
  • Allow the children to develop interpersonal skills, build resilience and become creative, critical thinkers and reflective learners
  • encourage creativity, motivate children, and support them to become independent learners


 Build on children’s prior learning enabling them to know more and remember more:

Children are naturally inquisitive, and we strive to nurture their ability to think critically, ask and answer questions, investigate their natural surroundings and solve problems. To support them to see clear links between different aspects of their learning we have designed a coherent and progressive curriculum which supports children to build new skills and knowledge through a wide variety of interesting contexts and experiences.

In all subjects, we build in opportunities for repetition and practise so as to embed essential knowledge, skills and understanding. By revisiting previous learning, our children develop a deeper understanding of each subject and have regular opportunities to practice their skills and apply their knowledge, at their own pace, and in the best possible way for each individual child so that they know more and remember more.

Provide memorable first hand experiences:

At Wadworth, we are passionate about providing children with opportunities to apply their knowledge and understanding in meaningful and memorable contexts. Consequently, we offer a range of visits, and visitors and experiences that complement their learning in school. We give our children opportunities to develop and explore the local area, as well as visiting places of interest further afield. We organise residential visits each year in Owls and Bees classes, which are exciting, varied and a fantastic opportunity for relationship building.

Each year includes a range of experiences, so that every child receives a full and rich curriculum, during all stages of their learning. The experiences we offer are underpinned by our culture and values, which ensures that our children benefit from a range of academic, spiritual, moral, social and cultural activities. These activities are designed to enrich the lives of our whole school community, making them proud of their British values, and the diverse society in which we live. We set high expectations for our curriculum, and believe it gives our children the skills, confidence and self-belief to lead a happy and fulfilled life. This encourages them to aim high and work towards their goals.

Nurture talents and celebrate achievements:

We are also passionate about building self-esteem in our children through the multiple opportunities provided for them to practise and perform creative arts. From music lessons to whole school performances and festivals, from assemblies where we recognise and celebrate artistic, academic, sporting, musical and performance achievements to participating in local and national sporting, writing, poetry and mathematical competitions, we aim to nurture all the talents that children have in all areas of their lives.

Develop interpersonal skills, build resilience and become creative, critical thinkers and reflective learners:

We understand that children will only be successful learners if they are emotionally secure and self -aware; therefore, we have developed a curriculum that reflects the high priority we place on our children’s physical, mental health and wellbeing. Through our curriculum, we ensure that we are flexible and ready to meet, and respond to, any issues that arise. Children’s physical, mental health and wellbeing is valued as much as their academic development. In recognising the development of the whole child, pastoral support is given to children so they can fully access the curriculum. By prioritising the emotional security of our children we enable their learning to develop, and further improve. Various programmes of support are provided, where a need has been identified, which cater for the needs of individuals: self-esteem, anger management and bereavement.

Our balanced approach to the curriculum is not at the expense of high standards in core subject areas. High standards, enabling children to reach national expectations and above, are vital if they are to succeed at the next stage of their education, and go on to achieve full and happy lives and careers.

Encourage creativity, motivate children, and support them to become independent learners:

With its excellent range of experiences, our full and rich curriculum is meticulously planned to move on children’s thinking and facilitate their acquisition of knowledge, so that every pupil at Wadworth Primary School makes good progress both academically and personally. We strive to ensure that every child is given the opportunity to shine and flourish.

Curriculum Overview 2024-25
