At Wadworth Primary School, we encourage children to be inquisitive in their approach to learning. Our Science curriculum fosters a healthy curiosity about our universe and promotes respect for the living and non-living. Children are naturally fascinated by everything in the world around them and Science makes a valuable contribution to their understanding. Children can be encouraged to explore and observe so that they can group objects and events and look for similarities and differences. They will need to measure and record the things they have found out in ways that make sense to them so that later they can talk to other people about what they have discovered. They should be encouraged to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave, and analyse causes. The curriculum is designed to ensure that children are able to acquire key scientific knowledge through practical experiences; using equipment, conducting experiments, building arguments and explaining concepts confidently. Cross curricular opportunities are identified, mapped and planned to ensure contextual relevance. Children are encouraged to ask questions and be curious about their surroundings and a love of science is nurtured through a whole school ethos and a varied science curriculum.
Wadworth Primary School follows the national curriculum for science and aims to ensure that all pupils:
The National Curriculum document for Science sets out a clear, full and statutory requirement for all children in Key Stages 1 & 2. The Foundation Stage programmes of study for Understanding of the World are set out in the EYFS.
The following table sets out the coverage required by the National Curriculum. As we are a smaller school with mixed year groups, children may study scientific content in a different order to that which is presented here but all content will be covered by the end of Year 6.
At Wadworth Primary School, we have devised our own curriulum to meet the needs of our pupils. As a result, we strive to link our science topics with the theme being studied. Science should be taught weekly to maximise coverage. Due to the curriculum content for each year group, we choose to teach the children in discrete year groups.
Practical work lies at the heart of primary science. Children need opportunities to develop practical and enquiry skills in order to engage with the world in a scientific way and to make sense of what they are learning about living things, the environment, materials and physical processes. Hands-on experience promotes curiosity and engagement and provides opportunities for the discussion and questioning which develop understanding. Practical work can take place inside or outside the classroom, and can happen at any point in a unit of work or lesson. It may be a five minute demonstration, a short activity to practise using an unfamiliar piece of equipment or an extended enquiry. What it must be is a varied and integral part of the learning process which promotes thinking as well as doing. Therefore, we aim to make 70% of lessons include some aspect of practical work.
The Science curriculum is planned to demonstrate progression, build on and embed the skills taught as well as motivate pupils to pursue science in the future. The result is a fun, engaging, high quality science education, that provides children with the foundations for understanding the world that they can take with them once they complete their primary education.
We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:
Pupil discussions and interviewing the pupils about their learning (pupil voice).
British Values at Wadworth Primary School: Science |
Democracy |
Students work together practically in groups, which encourages them to share views and opinions and take instructions from others. There are opportunities to debate issues where students can share their opinions and listen to the views of others. For example, genetic modification, selective breeding and climate change. |
Rule of Law |
Students following classroom rules in relation to scientific equipment and investigations. |
Individual liberty |
There are opportunities for students to work independently and make choices in a safe environment when carrying out investigations. There are opportunities to debate issues where students can share their opinions and listen to the views of others. Justifying conclusion from experiments, respecting other peoples’ results. |
Mutual Respect |
Students work together practically in groups, which encourages teamwork and respect for others. There are opportunities to learn about scientific discoveries by a diverse range of people from our culture and other cultures. Students learn about the continual evolution of scientific ideas which occurs through the acceptance that different people have different ideas about a concept. Opportunities for discussion around ethics, e.g. selective breeding – respect of other’s opinions. |
Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs |
There are opportunities to consider conflict between religious beliefs and scientific understanding with respect and acceptance of people’s values. |