Parent Maths Workshop - Multiply - Session 3


Parent Maths Workshop - Multiply - Session 2


Parent Maths Workshop - Multiply - Session 1


Natwest Moneysense Workshop


World Maths Day - Floorbook



At Wadworth Primary School, we believe that maths is an essential key skill not only within school, but also in life. A high-quality, exciting, and engaging Maths curriculum provides a firm foundation for understanding how Maths is used in everyday life.

Through the teaching of Maths, we aim for all pupils to:

  • Be competent, confident, creative, and reflective mathematicians.
  • Become fluent and to apply their knowledge rapidly and accurately, to reason mathematically using mathematical language and to be able to solve problems and to persevere in seeking solutions.
  • Develop a positive attitude towards maths and an awareness of the relevance of maths in the real world.
  • Have an awareness of how mathematicians both past and present have/are changing the world we live in today through their pioneering discoveries and contributions.
  • Inspire children to see maths as a creative and powerful subject which can lead to boundless employment opportunities in the future.
  • Understand how maths can be used and applied across the curriculum and in real life.
  • Gain an understanding of mathematics through a process of enquiry and investigation.
  • Be able to work both independently and in collaboration with others.





How we teach Maths at Wadworth:

  • At Wadworth, White Rose Maths (WRM) will be used as our core planning resource.
  • WRM will be supplemented, as appropriate, with other high-quality resources (eg Nrich, NCETM) to support the learning objective being taught.
  • The skills of fluency, reasoning and problem solving will be developed alongside each other for all learners.
  • Language and vocabulary development will be given a high profile in all lessons for all learners.
  • Collaborative learning will feature as part of all lessons.
  • At Wadworth, depth of learning and challenge for all is valued over speed.
  • Wherever possible, the class will be kept together
  • Use of appropriate manipulatives to support thinking – CPA approach evident.
  • The class will all follow the same learning objective.


Lessons will allow for a wide range of mathematical, enquiry-based research activities, including the following:

Lessons will involve the use of a variety of sources, including data, statistics, graphs, and charts.

The classroom teacher, in collaboration with the subject leader, will ensure that the needs of all children are met by:

At Wadworth, a Maths mastery approach is taken, so that fluency comes from deep knowledge and practice. We ensure structured questioning is used so that children develop fluent technical proficiency and think deeply about the underpinning mathematical concepts.

A focus is put on the development of deep structural knowledge and the ability to make connections, with the aim of ensuring that what is learnt is sustained over time by interleaving - mixing together different forms of practice, in order to facilitate the Maths learning. Therefore, the school does not prioritise between technical proficiency and conceptual understanding, and we aim to develop these in parallel.



At Wadworth Primary School, we believe that every child deserves the chance to shine. We believe Teaching for Mastery offers all children access to the full Maths curriculum. This inclusive approach, and its emphasis on promoting multiple methods of solving a problem, builds self-confidence, enjoyment, and resilience in children. Our curriculum ensures that:

  • Our children are happy learners who talk enthusiastically about their learning and eager to further their progress in Maths 
  • The impact of ‘mastery’ and the emphasis on accurate use of mathematical language is evident during class/pupil discussions 
  • Children’s fluency in number is evident in our proven track record of high success in arithmetic 
  • More consistent teaching practices that are well-known to be more effective for pupil progress long term, evident across school
  • Cross-school moderation highlights the high level of challenge for all ability groups, evident throughout topics through reasoning and problem solving activities  
  • Teacher assessment of the depth of learning is also increasingly accurate

These factors ensure that we are able to achieve high standards, with achievement at the end of KS2 in-line with that of the national average, as well an increasing proportion of children demonstrating greater depth, at the end of each phase.


Multiplication throughout school.

multiplication through school 18.7.23.docx .docx