More Support.....
Wadworth Primary School works closely with a wide range of outside local agencies throughout the school year.
Please see below a list of useful emergency and non-emergency contacts - many of which you can contact directly.
Early Help 01302 734110
Children's Safeguarding Team 01302 737777
Doncaster Council 01302 736000
Childline: 0800 111
Samaritans 116123 (free from any phone) or 03300945717
Domestic Violence hotline: 0808 2000 247
Mind: 0300 123 3393
Age UK: 0800 169 6565
Information on supporting children's mental health and well-being
St Leger Homes 01302 862862
Home Choice 01302 862628
Trussell Trust Food bank 07568247288
Neighbourhood Team 01302 736930
School Nursing and Health Visitors 01302 566776
CAMHS 01302 796191
Crisis Team 01302 566999
Samaritans 116123 (free from any phone) or 03300945717
Talking Shop 01302 565650
Doncaster Royal Infirmary 01302 366666
NHS Advice Line 111
Family support
Universal Credit 08003285644
Balby Children's Centre 01302 570270
Parent and Family Support Service 01302 862680
Emergency numbers
Police 101 for non emergencies
Emergency Services 999